

#3. If you really want to put together an Event or a NSS race or Class, then I say, You put together a proposal that includes the rules and has the outline of how the race will run. You also find a sponsor to put up the purse...
Then you approach CC Events with a plan. That I think would be a lot more affective than "just pissing in the wind" as Bob George put it...

I personally have no interest in putting together anything, unless it would be matchrace related. I have no car that would fit in the NSS class. But that being said I agree 100% that a proposal be put together on given to CC Events. So since CC Events does not get on Moparts I jumped in to lend a hand to both sides of this discussion.

But it would be kinda silly To wait until March, or April to begin the process, it needs to be done ASAP if ppl want it to "work" for the 2009 season. Thus is also the reason for this thread, Also kinda silly to not get the "racers/public" opinions & thoughts prior to making a proposal Now we have some concrete feed back on what ppl are thinking.

I was just testing the waters so to speak. So that were NOT "just pissin in the wind"

I agree with what Kevin is trying to do.Test the waters,see if the interest is there before wasting everyone's time.And doing it as early as possible,so that if the interest is there and a general concenious of the who,what when and wheres,can be presented in a timely ,professional,detailed and viable proposal to the event owners and sponsers.If I was an owner and sponcer,that is how I would want it presented to me.It's is very easy to dis-miss someones idea with out the back-up information,facts and antisipated projection of results.Try and get a business loan with only an idea,you won't get past the hi and hand shake followed by the sorrow we can't help you.With out the initial beginning steps which Kevin has instituted the whole idea might as well be like a fart in the wind.If Charlie doesn't want our help,we are all just a phone call away.He doesn't have to come on the site.Me ,I'am going to do what ever necessary to help the CC events and the Blankenships.I appreciate the Chrysler Classic envolvement with the Curt George Memorial Event.The Blankenships have handled it very professionally and respectfully.If we lose the CCs our family will continue to sponser the Curt Memorial Race with PRP but would rather it continue being part of the CC program of events.I'am commited to the Blankenships and their efforts to keep the CC events alive.