
Not trying to be a downer!!!
Just putting cold hard facts out there...
If these guys want a NSS Class.. Great... I have no issue with that.. But to just expect CC Events to start it, sponsor it or find sponsorship, as well as run it and pay out is very unrealistic....
If you can run your series with out a major sponsor, That is awesome... What are your payouts to win?

Hey Paul,
I don't think that anyone here "expects" CC to start,or sponsor it. Just listen to the ideas, and if it warrants then.... PROMOTE IT

CC Events is a series, that as with many others is struggling at present. The only goal of this poll was to "TEST THE MARKET" so to speak.

We keep pointing to the 8 ppl who have voted that were in the points last yr
What about the (now) 83 people who voted that were not in the points.

All anyone here "expects" of CC is to be happy that there is enough concern amongst the Moparts member to give 2 sh*%^'s. We apparently think it is a great series or we wouldn't be on here having this discussion.

For anyone to have 100% negative imput all the time, or to only worry about the votes of current(8) CCE racers is abit IMO

While the current CCE racers have just as much input as any, or maybe even more. The other question to ask is how many CCE racers are NOT on Moparts??? What would their thoughts be.? We have already proven that over 81% of the people who voted like the NSS idea. Pretty big number rite thurr.

I believe that in any company or business that 81% customer approval of something new, would warrent looking into further.

As far as when Charlie is supposed to be back in town, the answer is . He was supposed to call me when he gets a chance. Haven't heard a word from him in over 2-3 weeks.

But I do like the idea that we do a NSS test run in Pittsburgh this year. Would be a good half way point for the east coast boys to meet CCE.

But if the car count/ crowd is up by 81%