
#3. If you really want to put together an Event or a NSS race or Class, then I say, You put together a proposal that includes the rules and has the outline of how the race will run. You also find a sponsor to put up the purse...
Then you approach CC Events with a plan. That I think would be a lot more affective than "just pissing in the wind" as Bob George put it...

I personally have no interest in putting together anything, unless it would be matchrace related. I have no car that would fit in the NSS class. But that being said I agree 100% that a proposal be put together on given to CC Events. So since CC Events does not get on Moparts I jumped in to lend a hand to both sides of this discussion.

But it would be kinda silly To wait until March, or April to begin the process, it needs to be done ASAP if ppl want it to "work" for the 2009 season. Thus is also the reason for this thread, Also kinda silly to not get the "racers/public" opinions & thoughts prior to making a proposal Now we have some concrete feed back on what ppl are thinking.

I was just testing the waters so to speak. So that were NOT "just pissin in the wind"