
Am I missing something, what NSS class? Do you mean that they are thinking of adding a NSS class in addition to Max Wedge and Hemi?
If so, I think they should allow all makes and models that currently run NMCA NSS.
If they are not, and want to combine Max Wedge, Hemi, and allow X brand NSS, than I am against it. Of course, if they are willing to pay $3,000 or so to win, than I am for it!

Jeff Day
CC Events Max Wedge #2

Jeff it is not CC Events that has made any mention of running a NSS Class.. It has been a few members on here who feel that they (CC Events ) should do that. Those same members have chosen this forum to voice their opinion... I have my doubts that CC Events is going to be receptive to either changing the Max Wedge Division or would be willing to add a NSS Class.. .. But as I have said on here before , I can not speak for Charlie or CC Events, but I do know that they really took a beating financially in 2008 and I think that for them to try and make a bunch of changes for the new season is not likely ........