what I dont understand is how some don't get that appeasing current cars doesnt bring in new cars. You see you currently have two types of racers for CCEvents...
a) racers that attend
b) racers that dont attend

Holding a vote among the boys club doesnt really reach out and bring in more cars from those that don't attend.

And I dont think anybody is trying to force CCEvents hand to making another class, or make them do the leg work, etc. It was a suggestion with the hopes of seeing if there was any interest. Sheesh who knew all you guys would get so riled up. If those who truly want to have a class start and want to make a case to CC describing the potential, they need to have a few things:
a) proven interest
b) sponsors
You have to start somewhere. Obviously it's their final decision, but it makes a little more logical when the information is presented. Obviously SS/AA would be a great addition, but again im sure interest and sponsors are being research, and its ultimately CCEvents decision. Maybe they should throw the AA cars in the Hemi class?

Rehberger racing, are you a CCEvents employee/rep?