Poppa J,Frist off it was great talking to you the other day,and we love your cars.Alot of good ideas get tossed around.Not everyone is going to agree,but unless someone is down right ignorant there is no reason for arguement.I always say"conversation between people is an exchange of ideas and knowledge,argument is an exchange of ignorance"We should all try to keep a civil tone.I understand whats a stake here,the preservation of some great mopar events.I honestly feel that If a group of the hemi and wedge guys would communicate together and meet with the event owners and sponsers that a program could be put together that would benifit everyone.We have constantly suggested things and offered sponsership for events but haven't been able to get anything going because to many have personal agendas and want control.I think Kevin was looking to try and garner some informational concencious to present to Charlie which is good.We need a group of people that represent what classes and format that would make the events better and stronger and establish a way to present it to the owners and sponsers.It would benifit us as racers as well as the events and the sponsers.If we all could get past our personal issues we(the mopar family)can insure our future venues for such events.If we can't pull together our future will be limited at best if not lost all together.Especially with our uncertainty of our economical status.I think that if we can come to general concenious and have some one do a detailed presentation to Charlie or whoever we can accomplish good things.I think Kevin has the right idea.