
If Charlie want's a draw, he needs to see if he can get the SS/AH guys to come to more races, and ADVERTISE it. They would bring in a heck of a lot more fans than Bill Goldberg. I know those guys like running the CCE Races, and since Chrysler is hurting the Mopar money has dried up, they might be more open to running more of our races. But the money has to be their.

I think the 70's Pro Stock Class would be rally neat. I don't know anyone running anything like this.

I'm not sure about the NSS class... I think there needs to be more detail. I like the idea of NSS but I'm not sure how it would fit into the CCE program.

Since we race Hemi S/S, I will speak about this class, but if we want more cars would it be better to loosen the rules a little and allow single carbs and raise the index to 11.00. You could split the class in two, 11.00 - 10.00 and 9.99 - and faster. Then have a run off between the two finalist for the money. Just a thought.
The same thing could be done with MW.

Once again several good points made. The biggest thing (IMO) that needs to occur, in 2009 is there needs to be a BIG promotion of something.!!!
Not sure what it should be, but the ideas here are great, and the word ADVERTISE is a mouthful.
The economy has really hurt alot of folks in 2008, and the rain sure punched CCE in the mouth.

Something NEW & BOLD needs to be unveiled for 2009. If it means Brand X in the NSS class, then so be it. Just because the drive brand X doesn't mean the don't spend $$$ or won't draw a crowd of Brand X followers.

Waiting until March-April to decide to make a move is waiting a bit to long me thinks