
I just got to wonder? If this NENDRA is so popular and taking off like gangbusters, why most of us never even knew about it? Seems like Casey and Jim would have already found a home there.....Personally, I have never seen the first thing about it... No flyers or postings....No event coverage any where.....

At least CC Events gets 5 pages of National and International coverage each month in Mopar Collectors Guide and has sponsorship for every event along with the fact that every race is held at an awesome racing facility.....

Superstockracer has posted the NENDRA on here along with pictures. I think last year was the first year for it. They have been running only on the east coast so far. It looks like it's a nice program.
I don't know of any organizations in the Mid West. I would like to see dad run some NSS races in between the CCE races.