


Who would know or care whats under the hood.My car looks more period correct than most of the Hemi cars.If it looks like a period correct and not a low slung state of the art bracket car than let it run.I say we nominate Kevin Davis and Chris"The Yankee Fish Peddler" to form a fact finding committe to present viable changes,additions and explore financial sponserships for upcomming events and present them to the owners.

Who would know or care whats under the hood.My car looks more period correct than most of the Hemi cars.If it looks like a period correct and not a low slung state of the art bracket car than let it run.

than let it run.I say we nominate Kevin Davis and Chris"The Yankee Fish Peddler" to form a fact finding committe to present viable changes,additions and explore financial sponserships for upcomming events and present them to the owners.

Chris"The Yankee Fish Peddler"
I can already see it painted on his car.

How about nominating Dad since he isn't on here to defend him self. He'll be retired starting January 5th, so he will have all kinds of time on his hands.

Kevin,Your Papa Joe would be a perfect guy for the job.Are you nominating him?He has such personality and charm.

Yes I am!!! what's the worse he could do??? cut me out of his will? He's already spent it on the car
Maybe you should call him to let him know what his new job will be starting January 5th and what it pays.