
I cannot speak for Charlie or CC Events, but I do work with them very closely... I am not sure why the poll was even posted to be honest, I do know this.......... Charlie nor Eddie Blankenship or anyone that works for CC Events put it up here on Moparts....

Hey guys, great feed back. As I listed in the opening post. I will print this thread, and make sure that Charlie/Eddie gets it.

I think that getting feedback from ALL Moparts members is great. I do realize that Charlie NEVER gets on Moparts If you have a MOPAR series I would think that Moparts would be your second home
I do know that Charlie & Eddie can get very busy at times......I on the other hand LIVE on the internet

But at any rate feedback is great, no matter what.

Someone did make a great suggestion that there be a mtg held in Feb.

But (IMO) I think if getting anything resolved is gonna happen in 2009, it needs to at least get started ASAP. I also realize that Charlie took a HUGE loss in 2008 (rain). So maybe, just maybe this NSS class is one of the keys to making sure that the CC Events series stays around.

According to the poll 79% like the idea

Anyway THANKS again to all who have thrown in their .

Signed, Kevin Christner
(NOT part of CC Events)

Just a guy who decided to jump in after seeing the other 2-3 threads about the CC Events 2009 season.

.Kumbaya to everyone

Last edited by Kev_73_Missile; 12/18/08 04:21 PM.