
so fellas, where do we stand, or was this just a waste of typing!!!!

i want to get 2 races at beaver springs or pittsburgh or 1 & 1 at each track and race mopar to mopar. forget the brand
X stuff at this point, lets get east and west together to have the time of your life.
i think it will be insane, especially if im at the grille, just ask HEMITIS.

BG says he'll sponsor it.
BG needs to get out more, hes stuck inside all the time.he needs to come out and play and get some air!!!!
The YANKEE FISH PEDDLER wants to give him a good ol'fashioned spanking!!

Chris and Steve,

I am posting Beaver Springs Schedule on a new thread. It was updated as of yesterday... The dates are getting pretty thin.
Check it out.

As for Pittsburgh, I couldn't find the 09 Schedule; all they had up was for 08. Maybe BG can get it for us.

On another note... would anyone be opposed to using these races to promote CCE and NENDRA? We could hand out flyers with schedules and sponsors.
If these two organizations would like to toss in some bonus money that would be great... if they can't or won't that's fine to. The main idea is to bring in some new racers and hopefully spectators.
Just a thought.
