having been around paint and material since 1968, i know how much HARD WORK it takes to produce a superior finished job that makes people marvel at it's quality.
over time, the materials have changed drastically in composition and cost, especially in the last few years.
this is NOT taking into consideration the MASSIVE amount of time and effort to do CORRECT work on the body itself before the first whiff of paint fumes can even be considered.
it takes a true ARTISTE to achieve a quality job, usually requiring years of experience to pull off.
however, first timers can do this as good as the pros, providing they research, study, and possess the discipline needed to apply what is learned, and be willing to fix mistakes when they happen instead of tiring out and saying "that's good enough".........
you sir, have proven you have all the talent the pros have, and are to be congratulated on a job WELL done ! up bow