So you would tell your customer"Hey Joe Blow they shipped me the wrong clutch so I will need another grand and an extra $60.00 the ship it back to them and they won't credit your account until they receive it" You have to admit that on some level that is wrong huh ???

Yes Gus that is WRONG, by any standard, any company,......but not knowing the circumstances, and not being there, I can't comment on the event, I have no I said earlier all I can do is relate my personal experiences or any my customers, refered to them, and their experiences as relayed back to me,...which to date, I've only recieved one customer "complaint",if you want to call it that? and that was a wrong set of pedals shipped out to a customer,( Keisler insisted they were correct, but they weren't) responce was call Keisler, if you have a problem, call was easly rectified,....Keisler sent out another set and had the others returned......I've had wrong parts sent to me before, but never once told, I had to purchase a replacement part or even pay shipping! for their error, they ALLWAYS handeled it professionaly like one would expect...........I'm not relating this to your bro-in-laws ordeal,....but like I said before being a vendor you'd be surprised the number of people who misinterpet a vendors policies, comments.... or ones who try "to get OVER on you" in business dealings......generally if you run a business poorly, you ain't gonna be around too long......I've found Keisler to be very professional in any of my dealings with them, like I would expect them to be, even when a mistake was on my behalf.......(a problem, which some customers,regardless of whom they are dealing with, hate to emit to!)

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