Some of you may know I bought a new 09 SRT8 Every Option 6 Speed Challenger. I saved my money from the very day I saw the first concept at MATS several years ago and then I paid cash for that car. Anyhow, that car was BITCHEN. It ruled the freeway and I loved the Navigation and the sunroof and I loved the sound going through the gears etc...

BUT: It had extremely bad wheel hop and it also TOTALLY let me down at the track. Basically it was a dog. I have talked to a couple people that are "in the know" and they told me those cars are "all over the place". Performance wise. Needless to say I could not get a good start because of the wheel hop issue, but regardless, it only would run 101 MPH at Fontana. And, that was with the air filter out. At Irwindale it picked up 2 MPH in the 1/8th removing the filter. So I suspect at Fontana, totally stock with the filter in it might have only run 99MPH?? SHEESH! Sure it probably would pick up a couple MPH if I could get a better launch, but it is NEVER going to be 108MPH where it should be or even close. Me and Sloan talked about it in depth and he even asked the Guys over at Westech for me and no one could offer a solution. You can't just take it to the dealer and say "it only ran 101 in the quarter with the air filter removed. Something's wrong".

Needless to say, I SOLD the car after 4 months and 5700 miles of driving it every day. Lost $9500. I could not deal with it, so it had to go.......

Here is the BIGGEST [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] I have. I want to get another one. But I have no way of figuring out how to make sure I get a good one. Buy a used one that you know a Guy had been racing it? Do you think a dealer would guarantee the car's performance?

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