Don't feel bad--- I ordered one of the S/S cars the day Mopar started accepting orders for ANY Challenger. Even sold my '68 HemiDart to fund the purchase. When I found out I had to go through the application process (instead of the dealer calling me & telling me this) I went to THREE dealerships before I culd even get the order accepted. When the order was taken I called Mopar Performance and was told: " If you ordered one, you'll get one". I then waited patiently for "The Call", never received it, called & left messages at the dealer and NEVER heard another thing either from the dealer OR Mopar Performance.
Now I understand I'm no "big name" racer & quite honestly the purchase would've been a big bite out of the household budget, but I was willing, went through the appropriate steps & not even a call from ANYONE related to the car or purchase. Needless to say I'm less than pleased with MaMopar as a business, but I still love their stuff