

Chrysler has turned to TOTAL CRAP!!!! Those cars are WAY too heavy. This is what you get when a bunch of "college" kids that become engineers
are allowed to design a car. They know NOTHING of Mopar history. We now have a company that calls a 4 DOOR CAR a Charger. One of the true Mopar cars. Dont get me wrong the new charger is a descent looking car but DONT CALL IT A CHARGER YOU MORONS!!! They are sticking wings on trucks and making a new Challenger by simply cutting two doors off a family car. I am Mopar to the bone but this new breed is total CRAP!!! I just bought my wife our 2nd Toyota.....I would have NEVER even considered such in the day. REAL Mopar died in the '70's.......

Thanks, Im done.

You do realize engineers have little say in the general design of the car (size, weight etc)? That's all setup by 'business' people who think they know what Americans want.

Thanks - soon to be college grad engineer aiming to enter the auto industry...

I am a Computer Programmer....6 year degree. Wanted to enter the auto industry. Decided not too.....good luck.