
Couldn't agree more. I have been doing this NSS thing since before it became the movement that it is today....and my focus is still the same. Going rounds.

I could care less if you are faster than me, or whatever. You've still got to cut a light and run the number.

Although I admire the effort it takes to make some of these cars run the way they do, all it really proves is that someone else has either more money or a whole lot more time on their hands. Spending all my money or every waking minute working on my car is something that ran its course many, many, years ago.

So, I'll just keep plugging along with my old iron 426 inch Hemi with prehistoric parts, with my old SS spring antique Dodge and keep running my 10.80's, 10.90's, or whatever, try to run the number, and then sit in the shade, bs with other old geezers and await the next round. Maybe even poke the bear if I feel mischeivous.

So, you guys fight it out and I'll see you at the races. Dial 'em in and I'll race the winner.

now there are hang me downs lol