
wow, just wow!some nobody who's never done anything but brag about what he's got and what it's GONNA do is now setting the standards by what everybody elses car is judged by. That's good comedy.Before you start telling me and everyone else how much money and houses and cars you have and how tough you are, I don't have anything to brag about: small house, low budget car, and I don't claim to be tough. But I am friends with Paul Habura,and he would love to meet you at a neutral track between chicago and whereever it is that you sit behind your computer (with the picture of yourself pinned to the monitor) and stroke your ego about what you're Gonna do.
Please now threaten to beat me up or impress us some other manly way or meet at track and race and stop giving excuses why the other cars are faster than you.

jeff r

Well I think my frind can beat up your frind You guys crack me up Where does this thread say that SSR HAS the fastest car????This is not a high school popularity contest and Chris ain't the prom king,but your startin' to sound like the prom queen.Most of us share info and post pic's of our junk.The fact that SUPERSTOCKRACER has several really nice cars and does well for himself seems to bother alot of folks here on MOPARTS.There are also many of us who know him personally and see him for the straight shooter that he is.He don't sugar coat it and will not take gruff from anyone {except the bear }If someone throws it,IT get blown back at em. Most of us have a hard time maintaining 1 car How would you take care of 10?????? It's been a long hard winter and we're all itchin' to get out and race. We have certainly enjoyed ALL THE DRAM_A to keep us occupied during the cold monthes.It's not like we did not find out zilch,nada or zero about some jealous individuals,or others that jump on the bash wagon or just like to .Alot of you have some really awsome,very fast cars and I compliment you. When it comes down to it,The CURT CLASSIC and Beaver Springs will be alot of fun this year. Forget about the trophy,braggin rights are at stake here!! sidenote,,,,,,,,carefull with those 1800-flower receipts

Last edited by hemi-itis; 04/02/09 12:25 AM.

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