

My car is 100 % legal as it sits for

CC Events Hemi Class

NMCA Nostalgia super stock, AFX index. Any Car that runs faster then 10.00 would be in the FX index, including yours.. It is still the Nostalgia super stock class. Here are the indexes.

AAA/FX 08.75
AA/FX 09.00
A/FX 09.25
B/FX 09.50
C/FX 09.75
A/NSS 10.00
B/NSS 10.50
C/NSS 11.00
D/NSS 11.50
E/NSS 12.00
F/NSS 12.50
G/NSS 13.00

Here is another set of rules which cover also the NSSNA dave duel classic, and NHRA heritage events. My car is also 100% legal for those.


So other then maybe a few odd ball sanctioning bodies, i think im good.

I guess you didn't check the NENDRA rules I think the only car that fits those rules so far is SSR's car but he's patiently waiting for all of us to move up to his standards. I wonder if he used to own Vette's

I did check the NENDRA rules. My Wheel tubs are accepted under those rules. Only thing that isn't legal is my crossram. Even though i could run an "inline" indy bathtub, or even a single 4 bbl with a dominator, my actual crossram with holleys would be unacceptable. No biggie.

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