As one who runs a more "traditional" NSS car (iron 426 Hemi, fact cross ram; leaf springs, etc.) I must say this thread is entertaining, and kind of fun to watch. You can just feel the love and the warm fuzzies that emulate from everyone. It warms the cockles of your heart.

Seriously, there are so many good cars and sharp guys out there that it might be fun to see a big time "grudge" match at one of the NSS races, especially at BSD. It is obvious that Chris and the 422 guys still harbor warm feelings toward each other.....maybe the place to settle it is on the track. Throw Poppa J and the rest in there, too. I have alot of respect for all of you, it would be fun to watch.

Meanwhile, I'll still run my high tens, and let all of you try to run me down. Jody, I am so looking forward to Mason Dixon on April 25, it will be a hoot. Rich L is going to send me some stuff.....I would like to know what to expect. We are also bringing down Ron McClelland's Buds Auto Sales now featuring Hemi power....and maybe Kyle's 64 wedge if we get that finished.

Best to all.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine