i tell you what that black 64 is a work of art!

but seriously no offense but your rules are in my honest opinion the least nostalgic of all the NSS groups.

it does not matter if these cars are tubbed or anything as long as they look like a NOSTALGIA SUPER STOCKER.

And the whole debate over NSS and A/FX its the same freakin thing!!! only the faster cars are labeled as FX cars (yes that means you too SSR). this post is getting ridiculous... it started out good then turned ugly. If anything it is a bad thing to have a fast NSS car because lets face it these cars are not meant to do it, but thats half the fun (doing something challenging). And yes the fast cars can still win, I have seen it happen..... ask Paul Habura

SSR you are not the fastest face it... there are lots of TRUE NSS cars faster than you. Not saying your car is not fast just not the fastest... putting b1's on? thats not very Nostalgic... they dont even look like heads that came on one of these cars...

Once again not trying to bash you SSR im just saying you need to chill. NSS is an awesome class with some of the coolest people racing in it Doug Duell, Mike Dechicco, Paul Habura... the list goes on and on. everyone is trying to go faster and have a fast car, but there is no need to brag about it... ecspecially if your not the fastest... there ya go rant over...
