
Superstockracer I am sure this will not go over well with you but I am frankly tired with the Drama you seem to crave oh so much ...You Mr SSracer have not run an 8. let alone from I have seen here even come close to claiming yourself as the fastest anything anywhere. Until you do run an 8 all the speculation in the world along with all your claims that you can run this or can do that are just that, speculation. I saddens me when the only way some folks can feel good about themselves is by belittling others accomplishments. You however seem to think it is the way things should be. Maybe instead of bashing others you need to go out and be the low qualifier at an event or two that has some fast cars then let your accomplishments speak for themselves.

Feel free to bash away baby....

i don't know if it could be stated any more clear and concise than that.