SSracer-You thrive on controversy, enjoy stirring the pot and continue to open your pie hole and make statements on things you know nothing about. But from you it is expected. Dont forget to tell your buddies to jump on the bandwagon and go after me too, I would be disappointed in anything less from you. Let me guess now you are gonna tell me about all the cars you have or how many houses you own as if I care. As for Mr SSracer calling it like he sees it...Maybe he needs to visit the optometrist more often.

Care to come up with any more of your loquaciousness for all of us? I know you will you as cant seem to help yourself. Yo babble on trying to stroke your own ego at every turn.

Care to share any more of your quick wit about my trials and tribulations? Glad to feel you believe I am whining. I of course expect you to miss the point in just about any intelligent reply to any post you make. Since you began the name calling can I refer to you as Mr Poopie Pants from now on? Since we have resorted to kindergarten name calling I want to have a coll moniker for you, something that will make me laugh. One thing you might find IF you ever get to this point is that IF you actually race your car a good deal they dont last forever. BTW last broke motor I had was not built by myself, but rather a well respected Mopar engine shop, but once again just goes to show you that you speak of things which you have little to no knowledge of.

Tell you what I would be willing to put up a dollar that I have more passes in a car than you do in the past 12 months. Are you threatened maybe that I may be outspending you? Is that the best you can come up with? Let me ask you this, when was the last time you brought home any money racing? I have the three of the last four races I have run at. Of course one check was just low qualifier money, but that is nothing you will likely have to worry about collecting anytime soon.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"