Originally Posted By RapidRobert
Trendz, its sounds like we're good. My PP addy is rapidrobert at intergate dot com A $10 gift is fine (I wont accept the 100 you offered as I am just too nice of a guy). I was for sure not looking forward to putting "Trendz Teaches Truth" in my sig! One down one to go. Now Mr P is a very tech savvy sharp guy from his posts I have perused especially on carburetion but he is also stubborn and opinionated (also from his posts that I have perused) & he's gonna take (alot) more convincing, OK Mr P lets cut to the chase & you put on a cap with the 1/2" hole and grab your light & we'll see if the rotor position (phasing) changes when you rev it (can capped of course).

The rotor will change position in relation to
the cap.. your light will still make it look
steady BUT look at it in relation to the cap..
the rotor will have moved