Originally Posted By SomeCarGuy

Also most importantly- the damn rotor moves during operation. I suppose you all think it is just some loose parts msd cobbled together and that accounts for the movement.

I'll ask again; just why is the rotor moving? Think about it and comment back.

Who said the Rotor doesn't move. Absolutely the Rotor Moves. up

{The argument is the Phase doesn't change with Mechanical advance. Even Though it Moves}

The Phase WILL change under Vacuum advancement.

Mike P, That is what you saw in Trendz vid. It Wasn't the Mechanical advance Phase Change.

Are We now going to change the original argument, so that some can say, I see the rotor change phase.

It is Indeed a Brain Teaser. Here is what turned My light on.

Set the Rotor 10* before Fire/phase alignment. Keep ANY vacuum advance out of this.

Now Two things can Rotate that rotor 10* more to Fire it. The engine turning it, OR the Mechanical Advance Turning it the Rotor , yes Turning the Rotor, It moves.

It gets there Either way, and Fires Exactly in phase alignement Either way.

And YES the ROTOR MOVES, either way, But Fires in phase Both ways.

That's why you Don't see it move in Trendz vid, UNTIL he enables the Vacuum advance. Because that Rotates the Pickup plate.

THe ROTOR does move, in case anybody didn't pick up on that. But when it does under Mechanical advance, it just gets to the Terminal Sooner up

You wont see that Sweeping Action like you expected you would see as in the Famous First Vid. NOT, with Mechanical advance.

Even Though The Rotor Did indeed move. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE wink

Last edited by Sport440; 03/21/16 07:32 PM.