Originally Posted By RapidRobert
I'll tell ya what bro, since I'm feeling frisky today lets make a 10 dollar bet on this! I do PP too & I will (even) include the 3% (if it comes to that). And the bet will be (& correct me if I need to change the wording). "a non locked out "regular" type dist, if you cap the can, the rotor phasing position will be the same at idle as it will at 3 or 4K RPM". And we are assuming that at 3 or 4K it WILL be into the springs. Feeling gutsy! EDIT in other words the rotor will be pointing to the same position in relation to the cap terminal, the rotor will NOT move

You can only say it wont move on a non locked
dist IF its already advance at idle.. the weights
would have already moved giving the advance... this
would be with weak springs.. at 3 or 4K it had better
be up on the advance.. a totally stock one would be