Thank you Mr P body! we're on brother! Tomorrow I will take a cap that already has the hole drilled in the top and I will install it & hookup the light and pull the hose and plug the hose & leave the can nipple open/as is and I will see if the rotor phasing moves at anytime. this is the dist in my 318 truck & it for sure has weights/slots & I will check from idle to ~4K so as to definitely be into the mech adv curve (slots/weights/springs). Trendz, you wanna in on this? My PP email is: rapidrobert at intergate dot com Just so we're clear, absolutely the timing will advance but we're talking "rotor phasing" & the RP positioning will not change. If it is pointed dead centered on the cap terminal (or slightly ahead or behind) now it will remain that way with the can out of the picture AND haveing a functioning springs/weights/slots advance system which is our point of contention.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth