It is Totally correct that the Rotor Will change position during Mechanical advance.

But, it wont Show, as in the vid shown above. Because the rotor/reluctor advancement happens Under the pickup plate with its driveshaft. The upper cap terminal and rotor phase/relationship wont see that movement. ement.

Just wanted to agree with Mike,P and a lot of others that the Rotors relationship Will change under mechanical advance.

But it will be between the shaft going to the engines side and not upstairs as seen by the cap. The engine will see the advancement by the earlier spark but the cap will not see it.
YES that is what I am saying: the cap will see not see it & "it" being any rotor (phasing) change & that was my original statement that only vac adv will change RP (that mech adv will not change it). the rotors' relationship (phasing) with the cap will NOT change under mechanical advance. I am not speaking of reluctor movement or timing or anything else other than strickly phasing

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