The guy that did the bodywork and paint on the car lives about an hour away from me now. A couple weeks ago I gave him my air cleaner, spare steel wheel and 4 Road Wheels to paint. He is going to work on them in his spare time. The air cleaner and spare wheel will be painted about an 80% gloss. I'm not sure what paint we are going to use yet. He said that he can add a flattening agent to the gloss paint BUT, if you clean/polish the parts often, you will bring back the gloss. He might look for a paint that is accually designed with less of a gloss. I don't know how this paint stuff works...I'm just going by what he tells me.

The Road Wheels will be sprayed a semi gloss...a little less gloss then the spare wheel. The spokes are being masked off so as not to destroy the original matte chrome finish. He sent me a couple pictures of some of the blasted parts.