Yes I do have some good friends. The guy that lent me money was looking for parts for his 68 or 69 Super Bee. I've only seen the car once but it looks like it is going to be quite a prodject as well.

I had my 2002 Stratus R/T in the show field so I didn't have any way to get the rockers home. Another friend had room so it all worked out.

If any of you get Mopar Muscle magazine you have probablly seen me and my Stratus. It was in the 2003 Mopar Nats program.

Accually, a group of my friends was in the magazine a few months before I was. There was a picture of about four guys looking through the swap meet with there shirts off. The caption said something like..."No this isn't an Ambercrombi and Fitch add, this is the Mopar Nationals"...or something like that.