Thanks everyone for nice comments. It gives me the motivation to continue trying to do my best instead of just throwing it together quickly.

Last weekend my friend Paul came back over and we worked on the underside some more. The car was rusted pretty bad so there are a lot of pits on the underside. I'm trying to fix the most visable ones but there are a lot that I just can't reach. The car was originally fully undercoated so I can always spray it if it doesn't turn out. I've got one more area that I need to fix and then it's done...the best that I know how anyway.

I realized on Saturday that there is no way to install the brake and fuel lines while the car is on the body stand. It looks like I'll be putting it back on my smaller stands sooner then I thought. I had hoped to undercoat the wheelwells while it was still up higher.

I talked to my boss the other day about using a forklift from work to lift the car off the stand. That's the only safe way I can think of to do it.(without hauling the car to a shop and using a hoist) Maybe right after the Mopar Nat's I can get that done.