
burdar, is the color A5 silver metallic? I ask because my '73 Rallye 340 was originally A5(now blue). I can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck the rest of the way.

Yes the car is A5 silver. I love that color but of coarse I'm biased. I have really only seen a handful of cars that color. I don't know how popular of a color it really was.

My dad bought a new Dakota in 03. He bought one that was painted metalic gray just like his old car. The trucks color is a little darker than the Challenger but they are close.

I just got an e-mail from Tim at "Best of Show." He said they are now working hard on the car!!! He is just waiting for me to send him the jack brackets for the trunk and a few fender bolts. Hopefully I'll have more pictures to share soon.