I also worked on restoring the grill and "Challenger" emblem. I had three emblems to choose from. I picked the nicest one and cleaned it up. Then I took a Q-tip and applied a thin layer of petrolium jelly to the face of the emblem. I sprayed the entire emblem with SEM Trim black paint. Once the paint was dry, I just wiped off the petrolium jelly which left the face of them emblem free of any paint.

Next, I turned my attension to the grill. It was in decent shape. It wasn't cracked but the plastic was discolored and looked old.

I cleaned it a few times and then sprayed it with the SEM paint. I previously test sprayed a small section and matched it against the area of the grill that was covered by the bumper filler strip. The Trim Black paint matched the color of the plastic perfectly.

The night I sprayed the grill it was very hot and humid. The paint didn't spray very well and left the grill very blotchy. I didn't think I could screw it up any further so I tried very lightly sanding the grill with steel wool. It accually worked very well. It evened out the paint and got rid of the very small orange peel look. It doesn't even look painted now which is good because the original finish was just the black of the plastic.

I masked off the front lip of the grill and sprayed it with Mopar Rallye Wheel paint. It closely matches the original silver color. I used the same paint on the front valance insert.

The front bumper filler pieces cleaned up with a very light wet sanding. They didn't need any paint at all. They are still just the natural gray of the rubber.

Finished grill/emblem

Finally, here are a couple pics of it installed on the car.