The LCA's looked pretty bad. There was a lot of rust scale under the POR-15. I didn't even want to try an strip the paint so I just had them sand blasted. I was surprised how nice they came out. The date codes were still visable on the rivit heads.

I rubbed the LCA's down with steel wool, darkened the cast lower ball joint piece, the rivit heads and the torsion bar socket. I masked off a dip line and sprayed 3 coats of Krylon battery protectant followed by a matte clear. I let them dry for a day before I heated them up and RPM'd them. I went right over the paint with the RPM for some more protection. I think they turned out pretty decent. This pic was taken before the RPM was applied.

Last night the engine/trans were removed from the K-member. The engine was put back on a stand so I can change a few things. I need to remove the cork valve cover gaskets and install rubber ones...all the brackets have been removed and will be redone with a more correct looking black.

The trans is going to get stripped of the AlumBlast paint I used on it earlier and all the fasteners and brackets will be redone without paint. The K-member will be sent out to get powder coated and the steering box will get some new seals and a coat of black paint instead of the incorrect cast blast paint that's on it now.

The original carb is going out to Scott Smith this week. I'll be sending the alt out to Dixie soon too.