I got the dash pad back within 3 weeks. There was a lot of extra foam that needed to be removed but that's to be expected with an Ultimate Rides pad. I trimmed a lot of foam out of the light bar area and was able to get that to fit. The drivers side lower dash trim didn't initially fit. I was able to get it fitting pretty good with just a little sectioning of the foam in a couple areas. I wasn't impressed with the fit of the right hand lower dash trim though. The pad was way too thick in that area and didn't line up with the trim.(where the trim and pad come together by the gauges) I should have just heated up the trim with a heat gun and moulded it to fit the contour of the pad...but I didn't. Like an idiot I tried to cut some foam out of the pad and ended up ruining it. I called Dave and told him what happened. I was fully expecting having to buy a new pad again. He got in touch with me a few days later and said UR would fix it for me as long as I paid the shipping both ways. So...the brand new messed up pad went back to UR.

I waited about six weeks and still didn't have the pad back. A couple calls to UR didn't seem to make a difference. Finally, I called Dave. Even though it was no longer his problem, he was nice enough to give UR a call for me to see what was going on. The next day I got a call saying the pad was shipping.

As soon as I opened the box, I knew that I hadn't been sent my original core back. I had engraved my initials in the core so I'd know if I got mine back. I think UR sold my core to someone else...that's why it took so long to get one back. The first pad was accually nicer then this one but I wasn't going to press the issue. I'd had enough messing around and just wanted to start the assembly. It's definatly nicer to be working with the original core because I had to redrill the speaker grill holes as well as the VIN plate holes in order to get those parts to fit.

I mounted the pad on the frame and installed it. I wanted to make sure it fit before I had it completely assembled.

There were a few issues but was able to work those out after talking with a few people and seeing some pictures of original dashes.