Over the years I have talked to a few different shops about getting the bodywork done. All of these shops came back with around the same price tag. To replace all the rusted panals, fabricate any panels that aren't reproduced and paint the car, would be around $25,000.

At the time, that was more than I made in an entire year. So, the body just sat. Years went by and I have been getting more and more frustrated that the car is just sitting, collecting dust.

In August of 2007 I really wanted to get something started. I contacted a media blasting company in the area and they said that it would cost right around $800 to get an entire car cleaned up.

I also got in contact with a guy that does sand blasting who's shop is only a few miles away. He said that it would cost about $200 to blast the car. Since I knew the car was in rough shape, and that I didn't know if I would even have a car left after blasting, I went with sand. He blasted the engine comp, the door jams, the underside and lightly hit the interior. He didn't spray anything that could get warped like the outside of the doors or the roof. I was pretty happy with what I saw when I got it back. There really weren't any surprises.