At Cordova we could not run our number as you know. We were having an ignition problem and it was breaking up part way down track but not at launch. Every run was getting worse but not until we were down track a fair bit. On the last run I had an elctrical meltdown. I was the only car on the track so I let off and was coasting . I was also taking off my helmet when the car filled with smoke and that sickening burnt plastic smell. Well panic set in and all I could think about was getting the underhood battery switch turned off. I crammed the brakes on and finished pulling my helmet off but when I did so I sent my glasses on flying trip over to the passenger floor. I am blind without them. Any how I got my belts off and found the hood pins and switch by braile. Long story short ( no pun intended ) I had a short and my alt was out. I did not realize I had been working only on the battery and it had got low enough that the car ran alright until my nitrous solenoids kicked in and took to much voltage from the ignition. Got a little wet doing a quick fix under the hood to get us out of there.