There really wasn't much to complain about at this point in the game, cruising down the back roads of rural Indiana in the lengthening shadows of the evening with the windows down, the window wings open, and the sound of 600 ready and willing horses reverberating off the occasional barn set out near the road.
"Did you and Robert get much sleep last night?"
"Not so much", Aaron pulled his gaze in from the side window, "you're in a catch 22 of sorts, how much do you sleep in, versus how much of the action on the strip do you want to miss!"
"I really appreciate all the wiring help today, kind of feel like an idiot!"
"Well, that was actually fun", he chuckled, "I wanted to be involved, today, I definitely was."

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines