I met Troy Clark on his way to DW almost by accident. Jim Forbes (squirrel) txt'd me and said he and his son were in town, so I ran over to see them. When I arrived, Troy was in the parking lot of the same hotel. I introduced myself and then Jim and his son came out and we bs'd until late. The next day, I found Troy at a local O'Reilly's with dang near the whole top end of his SBF apart. He was grooving roller lifters in an attempt to get some top end oiling because he was burning up pushrods. It worked and he made it to DW only to succumb to a trashed roller cam on Day 1.


Drag Week 2011 - 77th place - DD
Drag Week 2012 - 2nd place SRBB N/A
Drag Week 2014 - Kapooya
RMRW 2018
RMRW 2020