

Ok so it went 11.48 last year , this year it went 11.25 in the HEAT , my fuzzy math says it picked up .23 and if you add since the last time it was teched ... sort of ... that is .29 ...

where did you come up with the notion that the L88 has not been teched since 2006 ?????

it was one of the heavy tech cars just 2 years ago

I haven't been to Stanton since 06 and I only know of him pulling the cam , was there an official tech down to the car as they do for the certification process? I don't know what has been checked and how well since then, By reading your post it made it sound like the last tech was '06 , my mistake

In my opinion all the heavy hitters should submit to a full cert EVERY YEAR unless they can prove without a doubt nothing more than an oil change has been done , break a seal , recert.