
I agree and understand what you mean. I just dont believe they would go as fast as they are. But as I stated I would do the same as the serious racers have to. Thats the thrill of competition as no one will sit still and watch the competiters go faster and not put their hard earned work to making their cars faster. So I agree that as racers they will keep working to find any performance edge as thats what its all about. I guess the Pure Stock is just like any racing class to the extent that everyone will push the envelope to the most they can to be faster and that part is what us racers do. I just feel some are pushing the envelope a fair amount beyond the point of stock. I do hope the class never goes away no matter what as I really like the stock looking muscle cars that run as hard as we want them too. Ron

that is the rub, Ron.

PS never should have moved off advertized compression and advertized exhaust.

MUST BE STOCK should not be this difficult.

heck, the post above about swapping the Dana out for a lighter axle does not even raise and eyebrow.......

Chevy infiltrator 12.34 @ 109.45 with a 1.73 sixty foot

Pure Stock