
What's the name and phone number of that company that sells the dragster cam lock belts for $70.00? THANKS!!!!!

RJS camlocks from Summit pro shop are not much more then that...

This will be the first time in 12+ years I do not renew my NHRA advanced et license. It has just gotten too expensive to maintain With the chassis certs, SFI recerts/updates and yearly dues including physicals it was approx. $500 per year. For what?? A magazine I throw in the trash and the ability to run a div/nat event. Thank God I am a lowly bracket racer and can do without. I did chose to "maintain" my IHRA adv. et license as it is less then 1/2 the cost and is much more fun. They run each race start to finish in one day, imagine that!

It is WAY more then a seatbelt issue, at least for me. I had to pay to take a perfectly good Dedenbaer case powerglide apart, send it all the way across the country at my expense, ship back and reassemble because the little SFI sticker expired?? You tell me what wears on a transmission case making them a safety issue??
Two weeks before the start of Div2 races we were informed that an additional driveshaft loop no more then 6" in front of 3rd member would be required on all TS cars!! Oh isn't that nice.
And that they require a /15 jacket for all TS and TD competitors regardless of ET. I only need a /5 jacket to run 7.50 but I need a /15 in a 7.99 in TS?? can you see the double standard.
those are just some of the straws that broke this camels back...