If you are involved in drag racing on any level, you should be glad NHRA exists, warts and all. And government interference is that last thing you would want. We know what happens when they get involved in something. Don't you think a strong organization, that provides rules and guidelines that are consistent across the country, is beneficial? Do you think the tree, the track, the classes, the rules, being different at every track would be a good thing?
Any discussion about NHRA always comes back to the seat belt rule. How long has this been in effect? Aren't we over it yet? Do you know why that rule came to be? Do some research. When anyone complains about the seat belt rule, I stop paying attention. It's old...really. Find something important to gripe about, like why they took M*A*S*H off the air.
Safety rules are driven by the insurance companies and the lawyers. If it were not possible to obtain insurance, racing as we know would cease to exist. Simple as that.
Like I've said before, they have plenty of room to improve in many areas. But they are the reason drag racing is where it is today.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.