The truth of the matter is that all organizations like any business is all about the money.The bottom line is anyone who heads these enities and can bring in the big bucks gets rewarded.In any dealing there is always the grease that makes the gears work smooth.We find our economy in the toilet because of all the wheeling and dealing at the expense of all the hard working people that put their trust in the hands of those we deem successful,like our govenment,banks,investment groups,unions,insurances,retirement plans,health care and others only to find their hard earned dollars have been lost to the personal gain of a few greedy people.Gone are the days when someone could work hard and reap the rewards for their hard honest efforts and hello to the era of big organizations that will take ones hard earned dollars and wastefully spend it.After 46 years in the construction business,doing work for private companies,federal,state and local agencys such as DOT,Port Authority Transit,Army Corp of Engineers and others I have seen the waste of our dollars that would make you .What we see is just business as usual.A good analogy is "why do you think some politicians spend millions to get a job that might pay a few hundered thousand a year?"Our sport is no different,it's infested with same attitudes.