
I think it would be good for racers to have a voice with the nhra. maybe be on the board or something like that. it's hard to swallow all the rising fees and charges when you take a look at the top dogs income. I don't want to see them leave just maybe some changes in favor of the racers.

You couldn't put six racers in a room and have them agree on how to fart.

NHRA needs to find a way to put butts in all those empty seats that were covered with sponsor banners and tarps last season. They spend all their time kissing up to all those corporate geeks who got in free, couldn't care less about drag racing, wouldn't know a supercharger from super-sized, and are only there for the free beer and barb-b-que, watching the days football game on TV.

I'm no math wiz but, twenty seats sold for $20 is more than no seats sold for $65.

Last edited by Dago Red; 01/22/11 02:06 PM.

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