As one who is not in total agreement with the some of the rules and regulations of NHRA and would like to see some changes I would like to see many of the other non-profit organizations like churches,charities and other humanitarian organizations be investigated for financial statis and how much they pay their top people and how much is used in other questionable "administration fees".These practices go on in many public and private companys as we have seen in banking,insurance,unions and the auto industry.The sad part is our government uses our tax dollars to fund these organizations.We have no one to blame but ourselves for supporting these organizations and electing our government officials.Another prime example is aid to other countries,look at all the money raised for Haiti,all those millions and only a few has actually reached those who need it,where is all the money?NHRA's 80,000 members are not protesting or complaining but just accepting what is dished out and keep paying the cost.Like cattle lined up for slaughter,they think it's just another day at the feed pens until they get hit between the eyes,by then it's to late,the end.

Last edited by B G Racing; 01/21/11 05:19 AM.