

Ahh, the beauty of the internet...

Ahhh YES ... the BEAUTY of it .....

How IT CAN dig-up some dirty little secrets !!

I see that you did not DENY that Carl just-might STILL be getting-a-check from the NHRA. And that the NHRA and SFI are not in-bed-together.

Come on Kevin ...spill-DA-beans .. ...

I don't feel like I owe anyone anything in the form of an explanation but I will say this. I know Carl farily well and consider him a good friend. Does he get a check from NHRA? I seriously doubt it but I haven't asked him. Why the heck would I? I have no need to question his character or integrity.

The one thing I don't understand is why so many people want to pile on SFI, an organization that has no doubt saved hundreds, maybe even thousands of a lives and has done a lot to prevent motorsports in general from being legislated out of existance. What the hell are people arguing about? The right to wear substandard safety equipment? All to save a few dollars. Call me niave but I just don't get that.

I don't get to race too often but the last time I went out, I had to buy a new helmet because the Snell sticker in my old one was expired. The old helmet was barely used. Was I happy about it? No, but I'm willing to accept that it's part of the deal.

As I noted earlier, I usually regret getting involved in these discussions and based on a couple of PMs, I'm already regretting this one.

In the meantime, anyone want to trade a nice clean 1970-1971 Challenger for an equally clean '70 440-6 Road Runner? I'd much rather spend my time on that.

Kevin McKenna