
Exactly. It's easy to tell the real racers from the pretenders around here.

Bob, not trying to be a smarta$$ but define "real racers". does this mean if you're not running a six or seven figure program you're not a real racer? i beg to differ if that's the case. NHRA has been breaking the back of sportsman racers for years. i openly admit that i'm a hypocrite because i don't feel it's appropriate to complain about something unless you're prepared to offer a solution and frankly i'm not sure what can be done. NHRA is a business plain and simple not a nonprofit organization. you can't tell me that compton and gardner should be pulling down the type of money they are for their roles in the operation of this "nonprofit" organization. as for SFI and all that, yes having some safety guidelines is a good and necessary thing no doubt but exactly where does it end. racing is a inherently dangerous undertaking both for participants and spectators. everyone needs to understand and accept this fact. if you really want to make racing safe just make it a video game. if nhra was all about safety the wouldn't have PS bikes and this is coming from someone that has won a championship on bikes. personally i'm not sure exactly what it is that nhra does for the sportsman racers. i "think" there are insurance benefits for the tracks that are NHRA but not certain. personally i could care less about "professional" racing as imho it has become a dog and pony show a long time ago just like nascar. nhra has forgotten where it came from and who pays the bills. do i want to see nhra disbanded, no, do i want to see it being run with racers at the forefront of it's concerns, yes. it is a complicated set of problems facing both nhra and racing as a whole not the least of which is the absolutely out of control litigious society we have become. there are many good arguments on both sides of this situation but imho overall nhra is not being run in the spirit it was originally founded on and for myself that is the biggest issue i take with them.