
Everyone seems to say the top shops in the country charge to much, but going by this thread it doesn't seem to be so. Why? EXPERIENCE

At this point you have invested all this money, and time, in a car that is still far from done & driving. You have gotten hosed some horribly inflated prices, like the Frank Badalson trans job! A pro shop could have done this in house for $500.00.
I hope your car gets done soon, it's very nice! Good luck

Mr. Clownin Mopar

Frank and Roger have done a lot of work for me over the years with great results and a fair price. They are two of the most honest people I know in this car hobby. I saw this and called Frank. What was not discussed or revealed about the price was all the extra work that was done. Maybe you can get a rebuilder to do a tortured 4-speed trans for $500.00 (good luck with that). To rebuild and properly restore a 4-speed is a different story. What you end up with is a painted up generic trans. Not mentioned was the proper rebuild using premium internals, set-up, proper restoration of the case, the extra plating of the externals included ancillary items such as NOS boots, plating of the clutch fork and brackets, correct ink and paint stampings/marks etc. and the fabication of the cradle and the crate for shipping. There were also other extra's the customer wanted as well.

It's easy to sit here behind a screen name and blast away - especially without knowing all the facts.

I am not writing this because anyone asked me to - I am writing this because I think the integrity and reputation of good hobby people was being questioned and shot at wrongly.

If you want to have something that is 100% OE correct and have zero worries about the performance, durability and no excuses having to be made.....quality and craftsmanship costs more. There are rebuilders and there are restorers.