Not to make you feel bad but I have a heat pump on my house(2400 square feet) and in -20 (yes -20 with out the wind chill) it keeps the house 70 degrees. Heck the storm that just went through here was equal to mount everest temps!!! you southern guys are WEAK!!!!! I feel the pain you have!! Now I must go get an 8 foot drift blown away from dads shed so we can go work in it with out heat! Oh and it is -15 right now with no wind. Maybe I should go get the balloon out and go for a flight!!! instead!!!


I'll post more photos today.

Unfortunately, it's not quite done. We're still jumping through hoops getting a few misc parts.

BUT MOSTLY, you snow guys up north have conspired against us and sent in weather that's 30-40 degrees below normal. We're real "he men" when it comes to working in the heat but we're like a bunch of little girls with this cold weather! We have heat pumps down here. They are air conditioners that work in reverse during the winter and they can't keep up when it's this cold. The other day, we walked into the shop and it was 16 degrees f inside. We ran back to Mike's house like the place was on fire.

Please pray that we survive.

More soon...

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